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PLuG Observability is a comprehensive toolkit for unraveling user behavior within DevRev platform. A session is captured when a user launches your application, which initializes the Session Analytics SDK. The SDK then tracks and captures all screens, events, API service calls, exceptions (such as crashes and ANRs), errors, and gestures (including scrolls, taps, and rage taps).


Observability portal

The PLuG Observability portal is accessible to invited users. Upon logging in, users are directed to the main interface, known as the Sessions page. This page displays the sessions of the users with their mail IDs. Search is in the top-right corner.

In the top-left corner, next to the app name, you'll find a toggle for Android, iOS, and Web. Use this toggle to view the data for each platform.

You can apply filters to narrow down your search and find sessions that meet specific criteria, helping you focus on the most relevant data for analysis.


You can also bookmark sessions you find important, making it easy to revisit them later for reference. Bookmarked sessions can be viewed on a separate page.

Playback of user interactions

Session playback

Clicking a specific user replays sessions for that user, which lets you dive deep into each session in detail.

The timeline interface offers a chronological breakdown of user interactions, highlighting clicks, events, and associated properties.

Tabs reflect the user's browsing history, while the comments section enables team collaboration and discussion.

DevTool technical insights

Session DevTool

PLuG Observability's DevTool provides developers with logs, errors, and network details to quickly diagnose and fix issues.

  1. To the right of the playback window are displayed JavaScript console messages.

  2. Below the playback window is displayed the network information of all the web requests made from the browser tab.

Session terminology

  • Session

    A recording that allows you to visually observe user interactions with your website or app, providing insights into their behavior and enabling you to improve the user experience.

    A session begins when a user first interacts with your site or app and continues until the user closes the tab, navigates away, or if there is a period of inactivity.

    Interactions across multiple tabs or windows are treated as part of a single session for the same user. The SDK consolidates these interactions to provide a unified view of user behavior.

    If a user remains inactive for 30 minutes, the current session ends, and a new session starts when the user becomes active again. This can result in multiple sessions for the same user if they return after a break.

    A session ends when a user minimizes the application. At that point, the SDK automatically stops capturing data and sends the recorded data to the server to recreate the session recording.

  • Session types

    Frustrated sessions are those where one or more metrics indicate user frustration during the session.

    Tolerating sessions are those where one or more metrics indicate users are just tolerating the experience.

    Satisfied sessions are those with no tolerating or frustrated metrics, indicating a positive user experience.

  • Hot launch

    When a user brings the app from the background to the foreground.

  • Cold launch

    When a user opens the app for the first time and not from a minimized state.

  • Rage taps or clicks

    Multiple taps or clicks on a screen element in quick succession, typically indicating user frustration with a malfunctioning element. Rage taps are identified when there are three or more taps within a 5-pixel area, each occurring within 600ms of the previous tap.

  • Dead taps or clicks

    Taps or clicks on seemingly interactive elements that have no response, causing user confusion and potential frustration.

  • Active app versions

    The different versions of the app currently being tracked and used by users.

  • Funnel

    A strict funnel is a flow that tracks users who follow a specific, predefined path to complete the journey. Users must take each funnel step as defined in the funnel to complete the journey to be counted in the funnel.

    A non-strict funnel allows a user to complete the journey in any order, as long as they go through all the steps. Unlike strict funnels, non-strict funnels account for users who browse through different screens or take additional steps before completing the journey.

Dashboard widgets

Each tile in the Dashboard has a download icon. Click this icon to download the data.

  1. Total Sessions

    A snapshot of the overall number of user sessions recorded within a specified time frame.

  2. Total Logged-In Users

    The total number of unique individuals who logged into the platform during the selected date range.

  3. Session per day

    A daily breakdown of user sessions within the selected period. By visualizing session trends over time, users can identify patterns and fluctuations in user activity.

  4. Rage Clicks and Dead Clicks

    The total number of rage clicks and dead clicks recorded within the selected period.

  5. JS Errors and Console Errors

    Insights into technical issues encountered by users, such as JavaScript errors and console errors. By monitoring and addressing these issues promptly, users can ensure a seamless and error-free user experience.

  6. Network Details

    The total number of network calls made within the selected period. It offers insights into platform performance and helps identify potential bottlenecks or latency issues.

  7. Top Visited Pages

    The most popular pages within the selected period by visits, providing valuable insights into user engagement and content relevance.

  8. Page Response Time in Seconds

    The average time it takes for each page to load, ranked from slowest to fastest. This widget helps identify pages with performance issues that may impact user experience.

  9. Identifiers per Day

    The most active users within the selected period and their session counts. It offers insights into user behavior and engagement patterns.

  10. Users by Platform, User OS, and User's Browsers

    Breakdowns of users by device type, operating system and web browser used.

  11. Custom Events

    Ranking of user-triggered actions within the platform by frequency, offering insights into user behavior and feature usage patterns.

  12. Top Dead Click Pages and Top Rage Click Pages

    Pages with the most unresponsive elements and instances of rapid clicking, respectively. They pinpoint potential usability issues and areas for improvement in user interface design.

  13. Recent Console Errors by Page URL

    Here, users can see pages with the most console errors and their counts within the selected period. It helps identify technical issues impacting user experience and guides troubleshooting efforts.

Invite users

Only an admin can invite a new user.

  1. Go to Manage Team and click Invite Member. You are redirected to the invitation page in DevRev.
  2. Click + Invite and enter the email ID and the license plan (PLuG Starter Subscription).
  3. Click Send invite. The user receives an email invitation with a link to accept.