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CSV work item uploader

The CSV Work Item Uploader is a snap-in designed to streamline the process of creating and updating work items in bulk through a CSV file. It efficiently handles any number of work items while providing dynamic error handling and detailed tracking. With comprehensive status reporting, users receive a clear breakdown of successful and failed operations, including row numbers, error reasons, and the display IDs of the created/updated work items.

CSV requirements

  1. For Owned_by, Reported_by, and Contact columns,provide the email of the person who should be assigned as the owner or reporter of the work item. If the CSV lists multiple owners, only the first is set as the owner.
  2. For Applies to Part, Stage, Account, RevOrg, Developed with Parts, and Tags columns, provide the part name, stage name, account name, and revorg , part name , tag name respectively as it is present in the UI (Case Sensitive).
  3. For Date and Timestamp related fields, provide the date and timestamp in the format YYYY/MM/DD.
  4. The tnt__ prefix in some columns indicates custom fields from the tenant fragment.
  5. The ctype__ prefix in some columns represents custom type fields from the custom type fragment. Users can fill these fields when selecting a subtype for a work item. If certain ctype__ fields are mandatory for a specific subtype, they must be filled.
  6. For Update operation, provide the display ID of the work item that needs to be updated.

Validations for uploading CSV

The following validations are done while updating or creating a work item in DevRev:

  1. Mandatory fields need to be filled in accordance with the sample CSV file.
  2. In single run of the snap-in, users can either perform create or update operation.
  3. Do not re-run the command until a timeline is initiated for re-execution, and click the submit button only once.

Upload work items from CSV

  1. Add the CSV Work Item Uploader snap-in from the DevRev Marketplace to your environment.
  2. In the Discussion tab of the snap-in, enter /upload_workitems.
  3. A snapkit with two dropdowns appears in the discussion tab of the snap-in. In the first dropdown, select the type of operation you want to perform, and in the second dropdown, select the type of work item you want to perform the operation on.
  4. A sample CSV file is generated, with some mandatory fields specified.
  5. Click Upload, browse and select the file, and then click Submit.
  6. If all required headers exist in the CSV and the correct fields are provided as headers, a timeline comment is generated in the discussion tab of the snap-in with the validation result of headers passed . Otherwise, it displays the invalid headers and any missing required headers.
  7. After the operation is completed, a sample CSV is generated in the discussion tab of the snap-in with the status of the operation, including each line number, any error messages for failed rows, and the display ID of the created or updated work items for successful rows.
  8. In case of a retry, a command timeline entry is created, and the user needs to re-enter the command /upload_workitems .