April 2024

Airdrop Platform

  • Airdrop created subtypes will no longer override user changes to the grouping of fields. This allows DevRev administrators to create whatever grouping of fields they prefer in subtypes managed by Airdrop.

Airdrop Recipe Manager

  • Airdrop imports have become more customizable. In addition to the existing features that allow users to select data types and fields for import, they can now filter data based on specific values. This fine-grained control empowers users to selectively import items based on field values. For example, users can choose to import only tickets created after a designated date or accounts that belong to a specific stage.

  • Admins can now override the subtype display name of Airdrop created subtypes, providing greater control over user interaction within the DevRev app.

  • Users can now define the state to which a ServiceNow stage belongs. This resolves a known limitation where certain ServiceNow stages were not categorized into a state (Open, In Progress, Closed), resulting in all those stages defaulting to Open.

  • Users now have the option to map non-stock source fields to DevRev's priority and severity fields. In earlier versions of the recipe manager, the mapping of source fields to DevRev priority and severity was fixed. This update allows users to select alternative source fields, which is useful when a custom field in the source represents these attributes instead of the default field.

Airdrop UX

  • Added the ability to quickly select or deselect all the desired fields to sync.

Airdrop Zendesk

  • Zendesk Airdrop now supports syncing the CC field from Zendesk. In DevRev, all Airdropped Zendesk tickets now include a new field called Contributors. This field enables users to view and modify the individuals who are CC'd in the corresponding Zendesk ticket.

  • Support has been added for transforming RTF (HTML) tables in DevRev comments into accurately rendered tables in Zendesk notes.

  • Fixed an issue where certain line breaks in DevRev text fields resulted in an extra backslash when synced to Zendesk.

  • Support is added for syncing attachments, including images, from DevRev to Zendesk.

  • Airdrop now supports transferring inline images from Zendesk tickets to DevRev, resolving a known limitation.

document icon For more information about Airdrop Zendesk, refer to the following article: Zendesk Airdrop

Auth on Ext Services

  • DevRev admins can now delete private connections from other users. This can help prevent stale connections when the connection creator is not available. To delete a private connection, go to Settings > Integrations > Snap-ins or Imports > Connections > Private. A delete option will now be available in the connection table.


  • You can now choose whether the CSAT survey is sent automatically after each ticket or conversation resolution. This offers more control over your feedback process. Enable the configuration toggle in the CSAT snap-in to automatically send the survey after ticket/conversation resolution, or manually trigger the survey using the /survey command for a personalized approach to gathering feedback.

  • You can now collect additional customer feedback in CSAT surveys alongside CSAT ratings by simply enabling the Additional Feedback Request toggle in the CSAT snap-in configuration.


  • We're excited to introduce the latest version of our ticket clustering system, Clustering v2, aimed at enhancing the clustering generation process and improving user experience. Below are the new features and enhancements:

    • Hierarchical Ticket Clustering: We've introduced a hierarchical clustering algorithm that organizes tickets into more granular clusters, allowing for easier navigation and analysis.

    • Two Viewing Modes (List & Trails): Users now have the option to choose between a list view and a trails view for interacting with ticket clusters, offering both detailed metrics and a visual representation of the cluster hierarchy.

    • Asynchronous Clustering for faster insights: Clusters are now computed asynchronously for faster retrieval at runtime, with improved frequency and caching mechanisms to optimize performance.

    • Enhanced Memory Management: To prevent memory outages, size constraints have been imposed during asynchronous clustering, with a maximum limit of 50,000 items (issues & tickets) per version and retrieval of 10,000 items at one go.

    • Improved Algorithm: Synchronous computation is triggered in specific cases to ensure accuracy, particularly when dealing with a low number of items or detecting new items. We re-cluster all open and in-progress items up to every 6 hours, and all items modified in the past year up to once a week.

    • Improved Labeling: Cluster titles are generated using a diverse naming algorithm, highlighting the specific focus of each cluster or subcluster.

    • Powerful tagging option: App reviews imported through DevRev are tagged as Relevant or Noisy, with only Relevant Reviews considered in the clustering process.

Clustering v2 offers improved speed, enabling better insights even with a lower number of items, and facilitating quick analysis of larger quantities of information.

Conversation and Ticket Management

  • A configuration has been added to the Convergence snap-in, enabling closed tickets to automatically reopen when a customer comment is added.

  • Fixed a bug where spam tickets were reopened incorrectly when automation added comments to the ticket.

  • A new configuration has been added to the convergence snap-in that can automatically move tickets marked as spam to the cancelled stage. This workflow can be disabled by toggling off the configuration.

  • Once a ticket is marked as spam, its stages will remain unchanged regardless of any state changes in the convergence snap-in.

  • To prevent accidental changes to the ticket's account and reporter information, the Reported By field on tickets can no longer be modified when the ticket is created by a customer.


  • Improved message composer box experience with a sleeker design and improved height adjustment in case of attachments.

  • Added a shortcut on Article page to copy article URL and easily share with the customers.

Custom Objects

Custom Objects (Beta) are now available for customers to try. We can now create custom objects through the API and associate them with native objects such as tickets, issues, contacts, etc.

We've also improved the object setup experience for admins. Now, admins can do the following using the UI:

  • Configure new fields such as Rich Text Editor, Double, and Boolean types.

  • Drag and drop to reorder values for a dropdown.

  • Mark fields as required without providing a default value.

Using the APIs, admins can:

  • Reorder fields within a ticket, issue, or any object view.

  • Override certain native ticket properties, such as:

    • Hiding/showing stock fields.

    • Defining allowed values, such as changing priority values to Hot/Medium/Cold, etc.

    • Marking fields as mandatory.

    • Deciding which fields should be displayed in the record and summary views.

    • Allowing subtypes to be sortable and groupable in vista views.

    • Making fields read-only and immutable after creation.

    • Deciding different overridable values for different types of subtypes.

Customer Portal

  • Enhancement: Public Portal

    Enable dev orgs to make their KBs and Help Center publicly available on the web. Dev orgs can now choose whether to make their portal public or not, giving them more control over the accessibility of their content.

  • We have now auto integrated audiences with collections in a way that if a user does not have access to any article inside the collection, they won't see the collection itself.

document icon For more information about Customer Portal, refer to the following article: Customer portal

DevRev Plugin for Jira

  • Fixed the issue with timeline comments from tickets displayed under the DevRev Activity tab in Jira by replacing HTML entities with valid characters.

  • Fixed the logic to look up synced DevRev issues from Jira to make it reliable and avoid intermittent failures to find the right issue.

document icon For more information about DevRev Plugin for Jira, refer to the following article: DevRev for Jira app

Email Composer

  • Users can now easily add the email addresses of new customers to the ongoing email thread by mentioning the email address of the desired customer and adding them as contacts on DevRev using the quick contact creation form.

  • The email composer now supports sending code snippets in the email response body.

Email Integration

  • You can select the recipients of the configured auto-reply sent as the first response to emails received on DevRev.

  • Users can now opt to utilize their own name as the sender name in emails and incorporate it into the email signature. To activate this feature, toggle on the Use the name of the logged-in user as the sender name option in the email snap-in configuration settings. Moreover, to append the name of the logged-in user to the email signature, utilize the key {{user_name}}. These enhancements are crafted to personalize your outbound communications and bolster customer engagement.

  • To enhance the reliability of the Email channel, API calls necessary for ingesting incoming customer emails to create new tickets/conversations or add comments to existing ones, as well as for outgoing emails for customer communications, will be automatically retried up to three times. This functionality aims to minimize the risk of data loss and decrease user dependency on retry operations.

  • We've simplified the process for capturing accurate customer information on tickets and enhancing customer visibility when forwarding customer emails to create tickets in DevRev. In these instances, the ticket workspace is automatically synchronized with the customer's workspace, and the customer can be designated as the reporter, allowing them to monitor the ticket's progress on the customer portal. To deactivate this feature, toggle off the Capture customer workspace and reporter details from forwarded emails option in the email integration snap-in.

  • Email thread continuity is now maintained on the same ticket even if the email subject is changed. This ensures a seamless customer communication history. To modify this behavior, disable the Maintain threading on the same ticket even if subject is changed toggle in the email snap-in configuration.

  • Tickets can now be created from emails with subject lines longer than 256 characters. While the ticket title will be a summarized version of the email subject, the original email subject will be maintained to ensure threading remains intact.

  • Automatic replies or bot comments will no longer be sent in response to auto-reply emails originating from the customer's email address to the configured support email address. This improvement aims to avoid any bot-to-bot communications and subsequent email loops.

document icon For more information about Email Integration, refer to the following article: Email

Email as primary channel for Support

  • This enhancement allows support teams to utilize email as the primary channel for ensuring seamless customer communication on tickets, regardless of the source from which the ticket was created.

    Benefits include:

    • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers receive consistent support experiences whether they contact support via email or another channel.

    • Improved Customer Visibility: Previously, when tickets were raised within the DevRev app, customers could only view the ticket on the customer portal, requiring them to actively log in to check for updates. With the enhancement allowing email as an additional channel, customers are now notified about the ticket via email, making it more convenient for them to stay informed about their requests.

Knowledge Base Management

  • Zendesk Airdrop now includes enhanced capabilities, allowing you to import Zendesk guide objects such as categories, sections, and articles. Import your articles, edit them on DevRev, and host them on DevRev's portal.

  • With the integration of Audiences and Articles, you can now set visibility at the article level for specific groups of your customers. You can utilize our default audiences, including All Customers, Verified Customers, and Customer Admins. If you prefer to create custom audiences, contact our support team for assistance. While we understand this may not be ideal, rest assured that we will soon introduce an audience builder for your convenience.

  • An improvement has been made to the article view, allowing you to open your articles in a new tab.

  • Article vista enhancement: Now you can view the total number of articles, just as you do in other vistas within DevRev.

document icon For more information about Knowledge Base Management, refer to the following article: Articles


  • While on the Updates page, use /summarise on Spacebar to obtain actionable summary points of the currently visible updates.

  • Users can now also add attachments while editing a comment.

  • Mobile push notifications have been enhanced for richer context, now featuring the sender's name, a comment preview, and the record title.

document icon For more information about Notifications, refer to the following articles: ‣ Customer email notificationsUpdates

Object details

  • Users can now create tickets, issues, opportunities, and accounts directly from the mobile app.

PLuG Articles

  • This enhancement allows users to access DevRev RTE articles within the PLuG widget and view the collections hierarchy for their articles. This ensures that your customers can access everything they need without leaving your product.

PLuG Widget

  • You can now enhance the appearance of your widget for your customers by incorporating GIFs into your PLuG widget cards.

Rich Text Editor

  • The RTE now supports chat functionality, providing users with a similar experience to other chat applications while in the timeline. This makes commenting and collaborating effortless.


  • Paused SLAs now display the remaining time in both the list and detail view of tickets and conversations.

document icon For more information about SLA, refer to the following article: Service level agreement


  • Fixed a bug that caused attachment previews to display in low resolution.


  • We've included Before and After options in our list view date filters, providing greater flexibility and precision in selecting data to enrich your user experience.

document icon For more information about Vistas, refer to the following article: Vistas

iOS app

  • Fixed a bug where deep links in emails were not opening records in the mobile app.

  • Users can now link records, allowing them to associate issues with tickets or vice versa. This functionality also enables linking parent, dependent, sibling, or duplicate issues.