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Feb 10 to Feb 29, 2024

AirDrop ServiceNow Support

  • Airdrop ServiceNow now supports importing reference tables.

👉 For more information about AirDrop ServiceNow Support, refer to the following article: ServiceNow import

Airdrop Platform

  • Fix: The subtype name created by Airdrop is now readable and user-friendly. 


  • Improved Feedback Loop: When sentiment is positive, support agents are now prompted to confirm its accuracy.

  • Corrective Feedback Mechanism: If the initial evaluation is incorrect, agents can provide the correct sentiment.

  • Enhanced Data Logging: Both confirmed and corrected sentiment values are logged for improving the model.

  • Focused Analysis: Sentiment is now solely evaluated on customer messages, providing a clearer picture of customer sentiment.

👉 For more information about Core AI, refer to the following article: DevRev | Built for AI

DevRev Customization

  • Customers can now enhance their customization of the ticket list page with the addition of subtype information and the ability to group tickets by subtype.

  • Tailor your Vista view with the ability to use subtypes for customization, enhancing your personalization options.

  • Exporting from Vista now includes subtype details, ensuring comprehensive data retrieval for your analyzes.

  • Subtypes imported via Airdrop are now conveniently grouped together in list views.

👉 For more information about DevRev Customization, refer to the following article: Object customization

DevRev Plugin for Jira

  • We're thrilled to announce a game-changing update that bridges the gap between your support teams on DevRev and engineering teams on Jira more effectively than ever before. It works in conjunction with our existing 2-way sync functionality with Jira via Airdrop.

    Key features:

    • In-App Collaboration: Jira users can now view details, comment, and collaborate on DevRev tickets directly within Jira. No more platform-hopping.

    • Enhanced Notification System: Effortlessly broadcast a message to multiple ticket owners with just a click, significantly speeding up the resolution process during critical system-down events.

    • Simplified Ticket Linking: Link your Jira work items to the right DevRev tickets with an easy search-and-link feature, ensuring accurate tracking and alignment across teams.

👉 For more information about DevRev Plugin for Jira, refer to the following article: DevRev for Jira app

Email Integration

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the Show Original Email option was not appearing.

  • Improvement: Added support to mention a Ticket ID using # when sending an email.

  • Improvement: Delegate email addresses in Gmail are those that have been authorized to respond to emails on behalf of someone else. The Email Integration snap-in now supports adding delegate email addresses of the primary address to the sender's list.

  • Improvement: Automatic responses or bot comments will no longer be sent as responses to automatically generated emails from the customer's email address to the configured support email address. This prevents bot-to-bot communication and potential email loops.

  • Improvement: Email as the default channel for tickets enables all messages from customer chats to be sent via email, in addition to the original source channel of the ticket.

    To add email as a default channel on tickets, navigate to the Email Integration snap-in and enable the respective toggle.

  • Improvement: Added the ability to retain typed content after closing the email composer. The typed content will be available upon reopening the email composer.

  • Improvement: Added support to mention a user using @ when sending an email.

  • Improvement: Notifies the sender whether the last message sent on the customer chat was successfully sent via email or not, along with providing details of any errors causing the message sending failure.

Issue Management

  • In addition to tracking which customer facing product part an issue or work item impacts, you can also populate the Developed with Parts field now to track which specific development components like runnables/ linkables were involved in making the changes.

👉 For more information about Issue Management, refer to the following article: Issues

Help Center Management

  • The long-awaited Knowledge Base management feature is now available on DevRev. With this new functionality, you can write articles directly on DevRev, organize them into multiple layers of collections for improved hierarchy, arrange them to enhance readability for your customers, and host them on our support portal.

  • You can now rearrange the order of your articles and collections to dictate how they appear on the Portal. This allows you to tailor the experience you want to provide for your customers on your portal. Visit Settings -> Collections to explore this feature and easily manage your help center content.

👉 For more information about Knowledge Base Management, refer to the following article: Articles


  • We've introduced Important and Other tabs to help you understand what matters most. The Important tab is your go-to for high-priority updates like mentions, assignments, new comments, and other critical alerts, ensuring you never miss a beat. Here is a blog about all the new notifications updates.

  • We've eliminated Airdrop-related notifications to maintain a clean and focused mobile app environment, ensuring your engagement remains uninterrupted.

👉 For more information about Notifications, refer to the following article: Updates

PLuG Widget

  • User Online/Offline Status via PLuG: Users can now easily determine the online or offline status of their customers via the PLuG widget. This enhancement provides your teams with real-time information about the availability of your customers on your app/website where the PLuG widget is installed.

  • Our Nudges have been enhanced with the inclusion of GIF support in your Spotlight Nudge, enabling you to provide a richer experience for your customers through Nudges. Utilize it to highlight your features and product experiences.


  • Improvement: Added support for editing SLA policies in draft mode.

👉 For more information about SLA, refer to the following article: Service level agreement