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Integrate Calendly with DevRev

Streamline your scheduling process and optimize customer engagement with DevRev's powerful Calendly snap-in. It's designed to capture all your Calendly bookings and seamlessly integrate them into DevRev's system of record, ensuring no leads or appointments are missed.

Let's set up Calendly for you


For more information, refer to the Calendly on the DevRev marketplace.


For the DevRev Calendly snap-in to work, you must have a Professional, Teams, or Enterprise plan.


  1. Go to the Settings > Integrations > Snap-ins.

  2. Click Explore Marketplace.

  3. Search for Calendly and click Install next to the Calendly snap-in.

  4. In DevRev app, setup the connection in Settings > Snap-ins > Connections on top.

    • Search and choose an existing connection or create a new one by clicking + Connection.
    • Select Snap-In Secret from the dowpdown list.
    • Give it a name and paste your Calendly personal access token in the Secret field. Toggle on Make public if you want to make the connection public for your organization.
  5. Update the snap-in configurations as needed.

  6. Deploy the snap-in.

  7. Enter /calendly register-webhook in the snap-in's Discussions tab on the right.

  8. In the Discussions tab, you see a message Calendly integration completed on successful start.

How to uninstall

  1. In the Discussion tab, enter /calendly unregister-webhook to unregister the webhook. A message is displayed Calendly integration removed.
  2. Remove the snap-in.