Ticket-SLA Analytics
SLA applied Tickets
Number of tickets where SLA is applied.
SLA compliance rate
Percentage of tickets where SLA was met out of all tickets where SLA is applied.
Active tickets with SLA breaches
Number of Active Tickets that breached an SLA.
Tickets with SLA warning
Number of Active Tickets that about to breach an SLA.
Resolution compliance rate
Percentage of tickets where Resolution SLA was met out of all tickets where Resolution SLA is applied.
First Response compliance rate
Percentage of tickets where First Response SLA was met out of all tickets where First Response SLA is applied.
Next Response compliance rate
Percentage of tickets where Next Response SLA was met out of all tickets where Next Response SLA is applied.
SLA compliance rate
Percentage of tickets where SLA was met, missed, or still in progress out of all tickets where SLA is applied.
SLA breaches by Customer tier
Number of Tickets where SLA was breached distributed over customer type and severity.
SLA Breached Tickets per Customer
Number of Tickets with SLA breaches for each customer.
SLA breaches by Channel
Number of tickets where SLA was breached for each source channel.
SLA breaches by Subtype
Number of tickets where SLA was breached for each ticket subtype.
SLA breaches by Owner
Number of Tickets with SLA breaches for ticket owners.
Avg CSAT by SLA status
Average CSAT rating of tickets w.r.t. their SLA status and severity.
Unassigned Tickets with SLA breaches per Customer
Number of Unassigned Tickets with SLA breaches for each customer.